To make payments to your credit card, you can use the bankaccount and KID number found on your monthly statement. You can make payments at any time, as the billing information remains consistent each month. Each month, you will receive a statement that displays your transactions and overall outstanding balance. If you choose to make partial payments, the minimum amount due will also be included.
When it comes to receiving your statement, you have the option of selecting a paper invoice or receive it via email. The email option requires you to make the payment through online banking.
The invoice is sent out at the start of each month with a due date of the 15th of that month. If you have accidentally deleted your invoice, you can access it again by logging into NBX and go to the "card" page.
When will I receive my bill each month?
You will receive your bill on the first of each month, with a due date of the 15th.
How will I receive my bill?
You can select a paper invoice, receive it via email or set up e-invoice.
How do I know how much I owe on my bill?
You can find the total amount due on your bill statement, which should be provided each month. You can also see all your transactions and your total balance by logging in to your NBX account.
Can I make partial payments on my bill?
You can make partial payments and the minimum amount will be included in the invoice.
What happens if I don't pay my bill on time?
If you don't pay your bill on time, you may be charged a late fee and your credit score may be negatively impacted.