Any time that you’re interested in seeing your trading history for any supported asset on the NBX platform, you can head to the Orders tab. Once there, you’ll see the option to view “Open Orders,” “Closed Orders,” or “Trade Activity.”
Open Orders
Looking at the open orders tab as seen above, you’ll be able to view any of your intended buys or sells of any asset on the NBX platform. A prime example of this would be a limit order that hasn’t gone through yet because its limit price hasn’t been reached. Given this, using the open orders tab, you’ll find it easy to track any orders that you’ve made that haven’t been finalized. Each time that you place a trade of any kind, the Open Orders tab is updated to reflect that.
Closed Orders
Clicking on “Closed Orders,” you’ll see all of your trades (buys and sells) that have been executed or canceled. That means that in this case, both market orders and limit orders apply. Just as with the open orders tab, you’ll find this tab helpful in tracking your trading history as it’s updated every time you make a trade.
Trade Activity
The "Trade Activity" tab is most useful for keeping track of your all-time trading history with NBX and just as with the open and closed order tabs, it’s updated every time you make a trade. Therefore, you can rest assured that you always have the most current information as you continue your journey with us.
Read more:
How to make your first trade on NBX?